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Business Planning


Taxes affect every aspect of our lives and especially so in the arena of taxes on the startup, operation, growth, sale and liquidation of businesses.

Competition between businesses means that you need every advantage in today’s business environment to make ongoing strategic decisions with confidence.

At the Robison Law Firm, we provide businesses with the support and guidance they need to develop the most effective strategies to meet the clients' business goals.

  1. Starting a Business
    1. Business Agreement Including Buy & Agreements. Business agreements need to consider the unique business needs of the clients today and beyond as they evolve and grow. While keeping it simple might seem the best course of action, these might also be the most expensive words ever uttered. Respect the investment of time and effort into a business by implementing a carefully considered agreement between the owners and key employees.
    2. Choice of Entity Planning. Important things to consider when deciding on the best legal and tax structure for your new business.
  2. Major Business Events in the Life of a Business. Great tax strategies are an essential to every transaction to give you the extra additional benefit, such as converting ordinary income to capital gain in order to reduce, defer or eliminate taxes. We smooth the path to great tax strategies by working with the parties on the transaction and explaining the benefits to the strategy for all the parties.
    1. Purchase & Sale Transactions. Our unique understanding of the tax consequences of buying of selling businesses allows us to structure tailored strategies for clients while preserving desired tax attributes and minimizing adverse tax consequences.
    2. Tax Elections and Methods. Across all industries federal income taxes is the single largest nondeductible cost for all businesses. Reducing or eliminating that cost is the single biggest factor in increasing cash flow, growth investment and retirement savings.
    3. Borrowing for growth. There are two types of clients: one who is comfortable borrowing funds for growth and those that borrow reluctantly and pay off their debt as soon as they can. Both views are acceptable because risk tolerance for debt is a personal decision. However, negotiating the terms and conditions of a loan agreement with the banker requires focus on both the long term issues and unforeseen events.
    4. Mergers & Acquisitions. In every business, cash is King. In the case of mergers and acquisitive reorganizations, the ability to expand business and product capabilities without a significant use of debt or cash often plays an integral role in facilitating the growth of the parties to the transaction. Tax considerations become more important in a merger or acquisitive reorganization.
    5. Liquidating your Business. Winding up a business represents a critical juncture for a business, especially in relation to the tax authorities. Liquidation can result in unexpected taxes, costs and fees, especially in the case where the liquidation was unexpected or the result of unfavorable economic factors.
  3. Exit Planning. The amount of savings and capital invested to provide income in our Retirement years is a strong indicator of the quality of life that we will experience. Yet for most businesses, there often is a disconnect between converting the value of the business into personal capital separate and apart from the business after retirement.
  4. Your Virtual Tax and Business Partner. Our firm provides tax and business services to fellow lawyer and accounting colleagues throughout the United States and overseas who need our assistance by:
    1. Providing advice or a tax opinion on strategy and structuring of tax and business issues.
    2. Representing their client before the IRS.
    3. Reducing, deferring or eliminating taxes for their clients.
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